Start Earning College Credits Today as a Sanborn Student!

Did you know that as a college graduate you have the potential to make a million dollars more in income over your lifetime than you would if you didn’t earn a college degree? Did you know that students who enter their freshman year of college having already accrued some college credits are much more likely to earn a college degree in four years, thus saving them thousands of dollars in tuition? Did you know that as a student at Sanborn you have three different ways you can start earning college credit? Did you know that we are adding a fourth for the 2011-2012 school year? Next year we are making college credits an option for all students at Sanborn. Below are the ways that you can start earning college credits today for a low cost: Advanced Placement (AP): We offer several AP courses including Calculus, Literature, Language Arts, US History, Government, Chemistry, Spanish, and French. Students must meet the prerequisites to enter the class and must take the AP exam in May. Depending on the AP score, a college or university may award credit or offer advanced placement to the student for their freshman year. More information is available in the SRHS Program of Studies. Students are responsible for the AP exam fee. Project Running Start (PRS): We have a partnership with Great Bay Community College that allows students to receive college credit for successful completion of a course at Sanborn. There is no final “exam” like an AP class. Currently PRS credit is offered for Psychology and Senior Critical Analysis. Next year we hope to add Statistics and Advanced Economics to that list. There is a small fee to receive college credit. Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO’s): ELO’s allow a student to enroll in a college class in the evening, during the summer, or online and receive Sanborn credit. Students must have the course approved in advance by their guidance counselor. Students are responsible for any tuition fees. NEW for 2011-2012: Northern Essex Community College Classes: Sanborn will begin offering college classes from NECC during the school day. Our plan is to offer the College Success Seminar, an entry-level NECC requirement, during the fall semester of 2011. Contact your guidance counselor for more information on how to enroll in this class. Sanborn will subsidize this program to allow Sanborn students to participate for a low cost. I hope this article will get you thinking about the possibility of a college class in your near future. Think about this: Last year one of our 2010 graduates completed high school and had already earned enough credits to be considered a sophomore in college. She saved thousands of dollars in tuition and she was a very attractive candidate to colleges looking for students who challenge themselves. Maybe that person could be you!


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