Frequently Asked Questions on the 8th Grade Move to SRHS

Dear Sanborn Community,

At the February 18, 2015 School Board meeting, Dr. Blake formally announced that a section of roof above the 8th grade wing has failed under the heavy weight of snow this past winter. The District will repair the roof, but the repair may take a couple of months. Until that time, SRMS 8th grade students would need to be relocated to SRHS.

Mr. Stack, Mr. Rutherford, and their administrative teams developed a plan to relocate the 8th grade to the current World Language / Humanities classroom wing, rooms 101-111 on the first floor. High school teachers who currently occupy that classroom wing will be relocated to other classroom spaces in the building. 

On Monday, March 2, all SRHS students will report to advisory at the beginning of the day to receive an updated copy of their schedule, which will contain any updated room numbers for classes that have moved. Other than some classroom changes, there will be no significant impact to high school students or staff as a result of this move.

8th grade students will operate "in a bubble" while they are at SRHS. They will have their own bell schedule, eat lunch as a grade, and will generally have little to no contact with high school students during the school day. The only time they will generally see high school students is before and after school, as it is planned for 8th grade students to ride on high school buses.

Mr. Stack, Mrs. Hadwen, and Mr. Turmelle ask that as a high school community, we welcome the middle school teachers and students and help them to feel at home.

Throughout this process, some questions have come up. Below is a list of these frequently asked questions, with answers.

What classrooms will the 8th grade occupy, and what will happen to high school classes that have to be relocated?
The 8th grade will now occupy the 101-111 classroom wing, much the same way the FLC wing is for grade 9 only. The high school teachers have already moved their rooms to new locations. Some moved to rooms we haven’t used as classrooms, some are sharing rooms that were free certain periods. On the first day back we will give you each an updated schedule with new room numbers. Other than being in a new room for a class, you won’t notice anything different.

Will the 8th grade follow the high school bell schedule and eat lunch with high school students?
No. The 8th grade will follow their own schedule, not ours, so high school students will rarely see 8th graders in the hall. They will eat lunch as a grade after our lunches have ended at noon.

Who will supervise the 8th grade?
As the middle school administrators, either Mr. Rutherford or Mr. Shore will be here to supervise grade 8. They will have their own “main office” in their classroom wing. To handle dismissals, etc.

Will the 8th grade have computer access?
Yes. 8th grade will have their own COW, they won’t be using the ones that high school teachers sign out for SRHS.

How will 8th grade students get to school?
8th grade students will ride HIGH SCHOOL buses. This may be one of the only time high school students see 8th grade students.

Will the 8th grade have lockers?
Yes. 8th grade students will use the lockers in their classroom wing. Any senior who had a locker in that wing will get one assigned in the junior wing.

Other than the classroom wing, what other spaces will 8th graders occupy?
The 8th grade will be using our gymnasiums for their PE classes, and arrangements will be made so that all students from both schools have access to the gym when they need it. The 8th grade will use our student bathrooms and the cafeteria. They will see the nurse in our nurse’s office. Our library will be available to them. Finally, music classes will be held in the band and chorus rooms. 8th grade will also have access to the high school auditorium.

Will 8th grade need to participate in high school clubs and sports?
 No. 8th grade students will have a bus to get them back to SRMS to participate in their own clubs and activities and sports.

Are their plans to include 8th grade in the high school Winter Carnival?
This has been discussed, and it will be up to the 8th grade teachers if they want to do this. The 8th grade team is planning to have some special events for their 8th grade as they also missed their Winter Carnival activities. 

Thank you all for your willingness to welcome and support the 8th grade from SRMS as they relocate to SRHS for the next couple of months!


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