SRHS Update: Week of September 26

Good Morning Parents, Students, and Friends of SRHS:

Here are some important SRHS announcements for the week of September 26:

1. Last week I attended a "think tank" in Washington DC on standards-based assessment with Social Studies teacher Brian Gray. You can learn more about our trip by visiting my blog here:

2. Also last week we hosted the Ford Driving Skills for Life Program. You can learn more about that day as well as view some pictures from the event here:

3. This week is Homecoming week. Many of you may already know that due to some scheduling difficulties there will be some changes to homecoming this year ( SAT's are the same day 10/1). There will be no parade this year, thus no float decorating. In place of the float, there will be hallway entrance way decorating and a banner competition in the hallway. The school will hold a homecoming pep rally on Friday 9/30 from 1:00-2:20. PARENTS ARE INVITED TO THIS EVENT. The spirit raisers ( who traditionally get judged during the parade ) will earn points during the pep rally. Their job is to raise class spirit in a positive manner.

Game times for Homecoming:

Friday, September 30
Field Hockey Varsity and JV - 4:00 Chase Field

Saturday, October 1
Cross-Country fun run ope to all - 1:30 high school track
Boys Varsity and JV Soccer - 2:30 high school
Girls Varsity and JV Soccer - 4:00 high school
Football - 7:00 under the lights high school
Bonfire - 8:00 at the football field

Sunday, October 2
Golf Tournament --- see attached flyer for more information!

4. The Sanborn Regional Guidance Department is hosting our annual Senior College Night on October 4th from 6:30-8:30 in the library. The New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation (NHHEAF) gives a fantastic presentation on the post-secondary process providing both you and your student with valuable information and helpful tips to work through each step successfully. We encourage and welcome all Seniors along with their Parents to come and learn about the college process from start to finish.

5. The PSATs will be given at Sanborn Regional High School on October 12th, during the school day, at no cost to students. All juniors are strongly encouraged and recommended to sign up as this is a great opportunity to get a jump start on their post secondary plans and preparation. Sophomores are also encouraged to take advantage of this great opportunity. Students are welcome to come sign up in guidance. (Should the sign up requests exceed the number of seats allotted, priority will be given to juniors with first come first serve for other classes.)

6. Yearbook Deadlines: Mr. Adams has asked that I remind everyone about the pricing and deadlines for the yearbook. Here is a schedule of costs:

Purchase Date: Cost to You:
8-29 - 9-30 $55
10-1 - 12-23 $65
12-24 -1-24 $75
1-25 - to end of school $85.

Have a great week everyone!


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