2010-2011 Building Goals for SRHS
As we prepare to embark on a new school year, I'd like to share with all of you my goals for Sanborn Regional High School. It is my hope that these goals will focus our work on making Sanborn one of the top 10% schools in the State. I welcome your feedback:
1. By June 2011, students will demonstrate academic growth as follows: 70% of students in grades 9 and 10 will meet or exceed their target growth rates in reading, math, and language usage as measured by the Spring 2011 NWEA and all students in grade 11 will demonstrate 10% improvement in reading, writing, mathematics, and science on the Grade 11 NECAP.
2. By June 2011, the school will expand upon the use and types of communication tools that provide timely and relevant information to students, parents, and the community on a bi-weekly basis.
3. By June 2011, all staff will make use of assessment and grading practices that measure student learning through the mastery of school-wide and course-based competencies in all courses.
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