Safe Home Compact

This past week, parents received a request from me to join our Safe Home Compact (SHC). The SHC is an opportunity for parents to stand up and be recognized for promoting safe and healthy behaviors for their children, and join a network of families in the Kingston, Newton, and Fremont communities who feel the same way. Sanborn Regional High School is committed to working with parents to keep help kids safe. The SHC is a joint partnership between Sanborn Regional Middle School, Ellis School in Fremont, and SRHS. Parents and others can join the SHC by filling out a quick form at the following link:

Dear Parents,

The Sanborn Regional High School Safe Home Compact is a new service offered to the parents and guardians of high school and middle school students from Kingston, Newton, and Fremont. The compact is designed to promote a parent-to-parent exchange of "safe" households where stduent activities are monitored and are drug and alcohol-free. Additionally, the compact promotes direct communication between parents by making personal contact information available to all compact pledge signers.

The concept of a Safe Home Compact is straightforward. We ask that you read the pledge below. The pledge is designed to promote a healthy environment for students away from school and to facilitate a common ground for understanding, upon which we can build a safe community. If you support the pledge, please complete this online survey. Parents who sign the pledge will receive a list containing the names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of other pledge-signing parents. This means that if you sign the pledge, your name, address, email address, and telephone numbers will be shared with other pledge signers. Whenever possible, this information will be distributed by email.

2010-2011 Sanborn Safe Home Compact Pledge

I pledge the following:

1. I will supervise parties or gatherings in my home
2. I will not allow parties or gatherings in my home when I am not present
3. I will not serve, nor will I allow youths under the legal drinking age to consume alcohol or use illegal drugs at parties in my home or on my property
4. I will welcome calls from other parents about the presence of their children at my home or at any activity that I sponsor and about any concerns regarding my child(ren)
5. I have discussed this pledge with my child(ren)

I am willing:

1. To have my name, address, email address, and phone numbers listed and shared with those of other high school and middle school parents who sign this pledge for the purpose of creating a network of alcohol and drug-safe homes.

Thank you for your consideration,

Brian M. Stack, Principal, SRHS
Michael Turmelle, Assistant Principal, SRHS
Ann Hadwen, Assistant Principal, SRHS


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