Mr. Stack's Welcome Back Email To Parents

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Dear Parents, Students, and Friends of SRHS:
Irene won't hold us back anymore, it is time to start the 2011-2012 school year! Here are some important announcements for all of you for our first week of school:
1. Tuesday, August 30th is the first day of school for all students. I have attached a bell schedule for this day, which will start with an extended advisory period. Please make sure you have completed the following tasks in advance:
First, you must complete emergency card information. You can either have your child submit the form we mailed home or you can complete it online at the following link:
Second, if you are a grade 9 student or parent, please submit a completed field trip form for the Cedardale trip, which is still on for Tuesday! I have attached another copy of this form if you need it. Grade 9 students should bring a bathing suit, comfortable clothes, and lunch (or money for lunch).
2. Thursday, September 1 is School Picture Day. Please contact the main office at 642-3341 for more information.
3. Friday September 2 - Monday September 5 we are closed for Labor Day weekend.
4. I will hold my first Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting on Wednesday September 7th from 6pm-7pm in the library. The focus of our meeting will be on "What's New at SRHS for the 2011-2012 year". Please consider joining me that evening --- I'd hate to have to have a conversation with myself for an hour! :)
5. I have attached our 2011-2012 events calendar, in case you didn't get it in previous mailings.
6. For athletic information, visit our website at:
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
-Brian Stack
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