SRHS Update: Week of July 30

Good Morning Parents, Students, Staff, and Friends of Sanborn Regional High School:

Can you believe that we are only a few weeks away from the first day of school? Here are your important announcements for the week:

1. Sometime in mid-August, you will be receiving your child's official "back to school packet" from the school with forms that must be completed for the first day. One of the most important forms that we need to update is your child's emergency contact information. If you would like to streamline this process, you can fill this form out online now by clicking this link. By doing this now, we will print and mail you this form with all your information on it, and you will only have to return it with your signature this fall:

2. Sanborn Regional High School continues to be a leader in redesign as schools across the nation are beginning to take steps to redefine their grading and assessment to be "standards" or "competency-based", which is proving to be a more accurate measure of student learning. One of the newest resources for schools engaged in this work is a website called "Competency Works". I have included the link to this website below so can check it out. Currently, Sanborn Regional High School is featured with the spotlight article this week.

Competency Works Website:

3. School starts Tuesday August 28 for freshman and Wednesday August 29 for all other grades. Students attending SST should plan to come to school beginning on August 27 to catch the bus to SST. Report times for that are 8:50 for the mid-session program and 11:50 for the PM session on the 27th and 28th.

4. Schedules for all students in grades 10-12 were in the mail last week. If you need to request a schedule modification, please use the online form linked below. This will allow the Guidance Department to effectively address your concerns and get back to you in a timely manner with a response.

Schedules for freshman will be mailed out closer to the start of school.

5. We have a group of students raising money for a trip to Ecuador. They will have a table set up at Kingston Days to do some fund raising. They will be selling bracelets made in Nicaragua from a project called Pulsera, where Nicaraguan teens make bracelets under fair trade regulations.  They will also sell Tres Leche (three milk) cake which is an Ecuadorian tradition, and possibly fried plantains.

6. The Ice Hockey Booster Club is holding a classic rock n roll band benefit show on August 25th.  It will start at 7pm in the gym with lots of food and drinks.  This is the Saturday before school starts so it should be fun for parents and kids to get together and catch up.  Tickets are a 5$ donation.  Please support a great cause!

7. I have attached two tentative “events calendars” for the upcoming 2012-2013 school year. These may be adjusted slightly before the start of school, but for your planning purposes, I wanted you all to have these now so you could begin to save the appropriate dates in your calendar. One calendar has all of our high school events, one has our district music and drama events.

Enjoy the nice weather we are supposed to have this week!


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