Where The Jobs Will Be in 2020
This article will appear in the January 2013 student newspaper the Sanborn Voice:
At the end of this month, your guidance
counselor will begin the course selection process with you. Thinking back to my
own high school days at Timberlane in the mid-1990’s, I know this can be a
somewhat daunting task. The process usually starts with an adult asking you an
innocent question like “what classes do you want to take next year?” but it
quickly morphs into a broader discussion on future college and career planning.
I always thought that if I just had a crystal ball I could look ten years into
the future and see what jobs would be most popular. The problem is, we don’t
always know what the future will hold or what our needs will be in two years,
much less five or ten years. Luckily, there are lots of organizations and
statisticians that make a living trying to analyze data and trends to predict
what the future might look like. Their work today can help you as you begin to
make some important decisions about your future, which all starts with the
courses you want to take next year.
In February of 2012, the US Bureau of
Labor Statistics released a report on which career fields and industries will experience
the highest job growth over the next decade. It is no surprise that the biggest
winners over the next ten years will be industries and occupations that are
related to health care, personal care and social assistance, and construction.
The Bureau is projecting total employment to grow by 14.3 percent over the next
ten years which will add 20.5 million new jobs in our country. As I read
through the report, two “big ideas” surfaced that I want to draw your attention
to. These are taken directly from the Bureau’s website and drive home the point that all of you need
to consider some type of college or post-secondary training or apprenticeship
in your life after Sanborn:
occupations in which a master’s degree is typically needed for entry,
employment is expected to grow by 21.7 percent, faster than the growth rate for
any other education category.
occupations in which apprenticeship is the typical on-the-job training,
employment is expected to grow by 22.5 percent, faster than for any other
on-the-job training category.
Now that you know that you will need to do some type of advanced
training or apprenticeship beyond Sanborn, your next step is to think about
what kind of a career you want to pursue. Below is my list of career fields you should consider because they are expected to have
the highest projected job growth in the global economy. I based my research
from various media outlets including Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Money
Magazine, and monster.com. They are listed in no particular order:
and Interpreters: Do you enjoy
experiencing other cultures and learning new languages? Tomorrow’s global
economy needs people who can translate from one language to another. In
addition to today’s more common languages of French, Spanish, Italian, and
German, you might want to consider learning a language such as Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Bengali, Russian, Arabic, or
Management: Do you want to work for or own
your own business one day? By 2023, most of the world’s most successful and
profitable entrepreneurs and business owners will be under the age of 30. The
most important in-demand business skills for tomorrow will be people who can
perform & manage sales and people who can analyze finances, finances,
information technology, market research, and risk management.
and Medical: As the baby-boomer generation heads into retirement, some (but not
all) medical fields will be in high demand in the next decade. Professionals
such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, physicians,
pharmacists, and veterinarians will still be necessary, but equally as
important will be the various assistants who work side-by-side with these
professionals. With the rising cost of health care, medical assistants will
play an increasing role in patient care and rehabilitation in the next decade.
Human Service: Do you like working
with people? Do you have an interest in fields such as criminal justice,
psychology, education, or hospitality? Human service careers have and always
will be a high priority in our world, however the types of human service needs
will evolve over the next decade. The ones with the highest demand in the
future will be college professors, lawyers, military specialists and law
enforcement, childcare workers, food production and service staff, and event planning
Technology: Over the next ten years, perhaps one of the most explosive new
career fields, especially in southern New Hampshire, will be in jobs that
combine computer aided design (CAD) software with manufacturing tools and
equipment. The days of minimum-wage factory jobs are on the decline. Tomorrow’s
manufacturer needs workers who have advanced skills working with
semi-conductors, aerospace, plastics production, and medical equipment.
/ Skilled Labor: Do you think you might enjoy a career that lets you build
things with stone, wood, steel, or other materials? As our economy begins to
turn around, the need is increasing for skilled laborers in areas such as solar
power installation, masons, pipefitters, welders, iron workers, and
construction workers. Also a growing area of need will be folks who can handle
the “business” operations of construction such as construction estimators. Gone
are the days where people in these careers could get by with just a high school
diploma. Tomorrow’s construction worker should have some advanced training and
knowledge about not only their craft but how it integrates with other systems
and technologies.
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Technology is planning an
increased role in our world, and it will continue to grow and evolve as a
high-demand career field in the future. The biggest computer needs for tomorrow
will be people who can design and maintain computer networks, and those with
experience in network security or software development. In terms of science,
there will be a need for more geoscientists, medical scientists, and biomedical
engineers – specifically people with experience in genetics and robotics.
Now that you have this great information on the top careers over
the next decade, we still have to go back to the question that this entire
article is based on: what classes do you want to take next year? Here is a
simple response you can give: I am going to take a combination of required
classes, classes that will challenge me, classes that interest me, and classes
that are based on topics that I want to learn more about because they might
impact what type of a career I decide to pursue after Sanborn. High school is
the time to explore, learn, and grow in different areas. Take advantage of the
multitude of program offerings that are available to you!
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