Addressing Plagiarism in the Schools
In the classic movie Back to the Future,
in a scene that takes place in 1955, Biff “the bully” is seen demanding that
Marty McFly’s father (the classic nerd) do his homework for him, but he is
smart enough to know what to do so he won’t get caught cheating. “I gotta have
time to recopy it. Do you realize what would happen if I handed in my
homework in your handwriting? I'll get kicked out of school. You wouldn't
want that to happen would you?,” he explains to Marty’s dad one day when he
gave him the homework assignment late.
Plagiarism is not a new issue, but with
the rise of resources available to students on the web, it has become a whole
new game of cat and mouse between students and teachers. It has become very
easy for students to simply cut and paste directly from the web into a document
that they could submit as their own work. Plagiarism, the act of submitting
work that is not one’s own, continues to be a concern that schools, both high
schools and colleges, need to address proactively.
Back in 2011, Mind/Shift writer Audrey Watters talked about Plagiarism Differences in High School and College
Students. She referenced a report
that had been published by the plagiarism software company TurnItIn that noted Wikipedia
and Yahoo
Answers as two of the most popular
places that students used to steal content. Interestingly, the report went on
to suggest that plagiarism habits differ slightly between high school and
college students. High school students make more use of social media and
content sharing sites while college students gravitate more to content from
cheat sites and paper mills.
Many schools are gravitating towards
services like TurnItIn to help them combat
the growing issue. TurnItIn offers users, typically teachers, the ability to
have student work analyzed against a large web-based comparison database to be
checked for originality. The database has over 45 million pages of digital
content. The software will highlight passages in a piece of student-work that
match or have a high degree of similarity to similar passage in its database.
The student work then gets added to the database for the future, thus
eliminating the chance that a student could give their work to a student in
another class with a different teacher.
Recently, Edudemic writer Kristen Hicks talked about the 5 Best Plagiarism Detection Tools for Educators. In addition to TurnItIn, Hicks
talked about these detection tools: is a free site developed by middle school teachers.
It works a lot like TurnItIn, but it doesn’t draw from the same digital
database. Instead, this tool checks small phrases in a paper against resources
available in sites like Google or Yahoo. SafeAssign
is a service that is available only for clients who use the management software
BlackBoard. Plagscan is
a web-based plagiarism detection tool that works much like TurnItIn, giving
papers a score of red, yellow, or green which corresponds to the level of
originally that the paper contains. Finally, the Plagiarism Checker, a tool
first developed by a college student, offers a simple copy and paste function
that matches student work against digital content from the web.
The question of what to do with students
who plagiarize has also changed over the years. When I was in high school, the
solution was simple: If you cheat, you get a zero on the assignment. Many
schools, however, have moved away from tying academic behaviors to academic
grades, and so other consequences must be assigned. At my high school in
southern New Hampshire, we have adopted an Academic Integrity policy which
clearly articulates what will happen if a student plagiarizes work. They are
always required to resubmit the assignment, because at our school we believe
that they should never be off the hook from doing the work. For their actions
they may lose privileges like parking or sports participation, or they may be
asked to complete a digital citizenship online unit that the school uses to
teach students why plagiarism is such a big deal. Many of the plagiarism
detector tools, like TurnItIn, offer similar plagiarism education modules
through their service for their users.
Will we ever reach the day when
plagiarism is gone? We probably won’t. But if we can teach our students how to
be responsible digital citizens who hold themselves to high levels of academic
integrity and honesty, we will be taking a step in the right direction towards
helping them to be honest, productive members of society.
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