Recent School Board Policy Changes That Impact SRHS Students
Dear Students and Parents of Sanborn Regional High School,
This past week, the School Board approved two important
policy changes that impact our students.
Dress Code and Hats
First, the School Board made one revision to its Dress
Code Policy regarding hats. Previously, the policy has stated that hats were
not permitted in any school building at any time. Now, the policy has been
adjusted to allow hats “in the hallways, cafeteria, and other non-instructional
spaces in the school.” This policy revision is a result of a student-initiated
petition that was developed last year. It allows us to draw a very important
distinction for our students regarding when it is and when it is not
appropriate to wear a hat. Taking your hat off is a sign of respect to the
people around you when you are in a professional environment such as your
classroom. This policy allows us to teach this important skill to our students
while recognizing that there are times and places in our building when and
where it is appropriate for them to have the privilege to express themselves
and dress for their social environment.
Students, you are allowed to wear a hat in the hallways and other
common areas of our school, but when you walk into a classroom or other
instructional space, please remove your hat. This includes presentations,
assemblies, and other non-traditional instructional programs. Thank you for
your cooperation!
Drugs and “Vape Pens”
In the past two years, our school has seen an increase in
the use of electronic delivery systems, more commonly referred to as “vape
pens.” The School Board has recently revised their Substance
Abuse Policy and Substance
Abuse Policy Rules to clarify that vape pens and other forms of electronic
and non-electronic delivery systems are considered drug paraphernalia, not
tobacco paraphernalia. This means that if students are caught with these
devices in their possession at school, they may be suspended for a period of 10
Students, regardless of what you tell us might be “in” a vape pen, they
are not allowed at school. They are considered drug-related products and you
will receive drug-related consequences if you have them at school. Don’t bring
them to school. Even better – DON’T USE THEM!
If you have questions about these or any other School Board
policies and how they are interpreted at Sanborn Regional High School, please
feel free to contact me directly at
Thank you for working with me, my administrative team, and my teachers and staff members to make Sanborn Regional High School a safe and
supportive environment for all of our students!
Thank you Mr. Stack both are a win-win situation!!