Fostering Reading Through Student Choice in High School
Like many Generation X’ers and Millennials, my
high school English classroom memories stem from my experiences reading popular
required readings such as To Kill a Mockingbird,
Romeo and Juliet, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, and Catcher in the Rye. I
can honestly tell you that to this day, I remember very little about these
classics because at the time, they were not books that spoke to me as a reader.
As a self-proclaimed “math guy” who was only taking English because it was a
graduation requirement, my teachers were unable to use these texts to convert
me into a frequent reader, a characteristic that should have set me up for a
lifelong love for reading. I don’t blame my teachers in any way for this gaffe.
In fact, I believe the English teachers I had at Timberlane Regional High School were
some of the best that I have ever worked with, but they were limited in their ability
to increase student motivation for reading by the philosophy of required
reading texts.
In a recent Education Week article, teacher
Barbara Wheatley reminds teachers: Don’t
Crush Reading Motivation. She talks about the need for all students to
become passionate and proficient readers and notes that to achieve this, children need to engage in many
different types of reading. She goes on to acknowledge the importance of guided
reading with a teacher as a tried and true instructional method, but the bulk
of her article is spent discussing the importance of self-selected reading.
With this strategy, students may choose with little or no intervention reading
materials based on their interests. Wheatley writes, “Through self-selected
reading, students gain both a sense of independence and greater
self-confidence.” Wheatley argues that with self-selected reading, it creates a
continuous cycle: “If children are motivated to read, they will spend more time
reading and become more engaged in reading, which then motivates them to read
more. Motivation is vital.”
student choice into reading instruction is certainly not a new topic, but
today’s progressive classroom teachers are taking this idea to a new level. Self-selected
reading is starting to take priority over guiding reading. Proponents of
providing student choice in reading argue at the secondary level that reading
declines and too many students don’t read the assigned texts. In Book
Love, New Hampshire teacher Penny Kittle takes this issue head-on. Heinnemann,
the publisher of the book, writes: “In Book Love Penny
takes student apathy head on, first by recognizing why
students don’t read and then showing us that when we give kids books that are
right for them, along with time to read and regular response to their thinking,
we can create a pathway to satisfying reading that leads to more challenging
literature and ultimately, a love of reading. On her website,
Kittle summarizes research from the Scholastic’s Kids & Family Reading Report: The
National Survey on the State of Kids and Reading, 2015. Her analysis leads three factors
that can predict whether a child ages 6-17 will be a frequent reader:
- Children's level of reading enjoyment
- Parents who are frequent readers
- A child's belief that reading for fun is important
What can high schools do to help all students
become frequent readers? Schools like where I work at Sanborn Regional
High School in New Hampshire have started #SanbornReads,
a school-based Twitter hashtag dedicated to promoting choice reading in the
school community. Sanborn teachers like Crystal Bonin find ways to
celebrate choice reading by having students add their choice books to a paper
chain that she keeps in her classroom all year. Last year’s chain, held by students
on the track, reached 792 books long! Sanborn
teachers are also having serious discussions within their professional learning
community with English teachers about what books should be required in their
classes and what themes could be addressed instead through a variety of texts.
If the goal is to increase the likelihood that students will become frequent
readers, Sanborn is one school that is taking bold steps to think differently.
This article was written originally for MultiBriefs Education.
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