Assessing Work Study Practices in Schools
Recently I had the opportunity to attend a
large networking event with business leaders from my community. When I asked
them what we (the school system) could be doing to better prepare students for
their workplaces, I was not surprised to learn that employers are less
concerned about a potential employee’s academic preparation but care more about
their “employability” skills. Employers want to know how well potential
employees will work on a team. They want to know that these applicants have
great communication and problem-solving skills. They are curious to what degree
new employees will have the grit and determination necessary to persevere
through a situation and see it to a resolution. If schools are to truly prepare
their students for their future, these non-cognitive skills must be developed,
refined, and assessed in much the same way as cognitive academic skills are. Depending
on the school and the state, these skills go by different names, including 21st
century skills, employability skills, soft skills, academic behaviors, and work
study practices and/or dispositions. For the purposes of this article, we will
refer to these simply as work study practices.
The New Hampshire Department of Education took
an early lead in 2014 by releasing their own state-level work study practices. Their work was based on a 2013 US Department of Education study focused on the promotion of grit, tenacity,
and perseverance that concluded that non-cognitive abilities “are essential to
an individual’s capacity to strive for and succeed at long-term and
higher-order goals, and to persist in the face of the array of challenges and
obstacles encountered throughout schooling and life.” New Hampshire settled on
these four work study practices:
COMMUNICATION: I can use various media
to interpret, question, and express knowledge, information, ideas, feelings,
and reasoning to create mutual understanding.
CREATIVITY: I can use original and
flexible thinking to communicate my ideas or construct a unique product or
COLLABORATION: I can work in diverse
groups to achieve a common goal.
SELF-DIRECTION: I can initiate and
manage my learning, and demonstrate a “growth” mindset, through self-awareness,
self-motivation, self-control, self-advocacy and adaptability as a reflective
Jonathan Vander Els, Executive Director of the
Hampshire Learning Initiative (NHLI) wrote about his work as an elementary
school principal to tackle
work study practices in his competency-based school. In the article, he detailed how his teachers
broke down their Responsive Classroom CARES (Cooperation,
Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Regulation) behaviors to be assessed
in each student through performance assessments with clearly defined rubrics.
Next Generation LearninG Challenges has been busy developing a tool known as MyWays, an initiative spearheaded
by NGLC’s Deputy Director Andy Calkins. The tool is designed to help educators
define success for students, design learning to directly support that
definition, and gauge student progress throughout the learning process. The
MyWays tool shows promise as a way for educators to develop a comprehensive
instruction and assessment system for both cognitive and non-cognitive skills.
Earlier this month, Education Week
guest blogger Christina Russell answered the question of how countries
around the world are building education systems that support the development of
work study practices in her article Developing 21st Century Skills: International Strategies. Educators from
places like Denver, Hiroshima,
New York City, Seattle, Seoul, Singapore and Shanghai, in a summit held in
China, discovered similarities in their efforts to develop policies and
practices to guide the cultivation of these types of skills in both school
settings as well as extra-curricular settings. A key take-away from the
discussion was the importance of “ensuring that the rationale, partnerships, and resources that
are at the foundation of the system reflect the local policy and cultural
context.” The discussion may pave the way for work study skills to play a
larger role in school systems globally.
This article was written originally for MultiBriefs Education.
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