Sanborn Greenhouse Project Update

Dear friends of the greenhouse project at Sanborn:
My apologies for not proving you an update sooner since our last planning meeting in February, but I haven't had a whole lot to report out on.
Since our last meeting, a small group of us have been looking into various greenhouse companies in hopes of finding one that would be willing to not only provide us the materials to build our greenhouse, but also to share our vision and help us develop the community partnership programs to make the greenhouse project a true community effort and resource.
Through your networks, we were introduced to a company in Maine called Arch Solar. This company was very excited to hear about our vision and our plans, and they very much want to be a part of our work. They came to Sanborn last month and gave us a demonstration of how they may be able to work with our community to develop appropriate greenhouse programs for both our school and our community. They also shared some new technologies that they are implementing with some of their greenhouse companies around the world, as well as some innovative building technologies. One of their designs actually made use of refurbished shipping containers for the sides of the structure. If you click on the hyperlinks in this letter, you can explore Arch Solar's site in more detail.
We agreed that the next logical step was to take a trip to one of Arch Solar's projects to see their work for ourselves. I am bringing a team of teachers from Sanborn up to their Little River Flower Farm project later this month in Buxton, Maine.
We hope that by the end of this school year, we will have made a final decision on what company we are going to use, and we will have final cost estimates for the project. From there, we can start a fundraising campaign to raise the rest of the funds we will need to build the greenhouse, as well as explore grants that we could take advantage of to provide the ongoing operational costs once the greenhouse is complete.
We are excited to be moving forward with this project this year. Thank you, to all of you, for the insights you have already provided us and the resources and advice you will offer us in the days, weeks, and months ahead. We look forward to having a completed greenhouse that we can all be proud of by this time next year.


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