I’ve Never Led an Online School. What Do I Do?
This article was
written originally for MultiBriefs Education.
Last week at this time, I
thought the worst thing I’d have to deal with that week was the fact that we
had a full moon and a Friday the 13th to get through with students. By the
weekend though, it became abundantly clear to me that I was about to enter
uncharted territory in my 15+ year career as a high school administrator in New
On Friday, March 13, I
learned that my school was going to be moving to “remote learning” effective
immediately for two weeks to slow the spread of COVID-19. By Sunday, the two
weeks became three weeks and the rest of our state was doing the same. By
Monday morning, it was clear that my state was not the only one doing this.
Now, it looks like we are fast-approaching the potential for nearly every
school principal to be facing the same reality.
This article is written
for every school principal that is or might be put into the situation of
leading an online school “on the fly” in the coming days and weeks. I will
share my experiences of what I went through, and what I decided to do - not to
suggest that my way is the right way, but rather to model what things you may
want to consider. I am the Principal of Sanborn
Regional High School, a medium-size, suburban school in
southern New Hampshire. This is my story.
Technology Platform:
I am fortunate to be a
Google school with one to one technology (Chromebooks). My staff are used to
using Google Classroom to load content for students to access in our
competency-based school. We decided this would be the preferred technology
platform to use for each course, and we asked teachers to link any other apps
and content to their Classrooms. Our school librarian quickly started a list of
tech resources and apps for each content area with the help of teachers, thus
creating a “Sanborn-specific” list of resources that have been reviewed and
approved as helpful by our teachers.
Student Expectations
For Remote Learning:
As a leadership team, we
contemplated a few different structures for how to organize our online days.
One strategy considered was to ask teachers to post assignments daily (or
weekly) and allow students to self-pace. A second strategy considered was to have
a “schedule” where four periods would meet for an hour on an “A” day and the
other four classes would meet for an hour on a “B” day. This was the strategy
we chose, and we did it to allow for, and encourage teachers to offer some
“live” events and activities in addition to self-paced activities. We are
taking advantage of both Google Meet and Zoom for free, live
We decided that teachers
will take attendance, noting whether or not students are participating and
completing assignments during their assigned classroom time. Students are
expected to complete all assignments on time, or reach out to their teacher
directly if they have questions or need an extension. I have designated staff
members who will review attendance data regularly and flag students who are not
engaging so that a guidance counselor, case manager, teacher, or administrator
can follow up with them to find out why they are not participating in school.
Academic Help:
It was important to us
that students have access to additional academic intervention and support when
needed. We assigned staff members who will assist students with tutoring, as
well as any technology issues that they may face. School Counselors will host
office hours daily to address day-to-day issues, as well as continue working
with our seniors as they approach graduation. In addition, counselors will
provide additional offsite resources that will help students with any of their
academic questions or needs.
Students and staff will
likely require time to recover from the normal illnesses that occur every year,
as well as potential COVID-19 related issues. Counseling, Nursing, and
Administrative staff will work with parents, guardians, and students to help
resolve any issues or provide any assistance we can. Teachers will be flexible
with their response to students encountering such issues. Families are being
asked to communicate health issues to school administrators as soon as possible
so they may provide appropriate support.
Special Education /
Special Education and 504
Case Managers will communicate directly with students and parents to define
accommodations and modifications for each student based on their learning
plans. They will work on these collaboratively with the classroom teachers.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Each morning, an army of
staff members will be delivering meals to students on the free and reduced
lunch program, meals that are being prepared daily by our cafeteria staff.
Staff members are working in teams of two to deliver meals, and will be
reimbursed for their mileage.
Technology Support
We have established a
tech support hotline that students, staff, and others can use to help them with
technology issues. We also worked with COmcast to reach out to every family in
our school community that did not have internet access to get them free access
(thank you, Comcast!)
One Final Note:
Is our plan perfect? No.
Even with a day to day plan, there will no doubt be unanticipated items to
which we know we will need to respond. No one knows for how long we will be
away from school. The social and emotional health of our students is very much
in our minds as we plan for the next few weeks and potentially beyond.
Counseling, teaching, and administrative staff plan to reach out to specific
students to support them during this time away from us at the school. We will
be available to talk, to listen, and even to laugh with our students as we all
share in what may be the most significant shift in our lives in our lifetimes.
I hope our story inspires
you as you build your story. We are all in this together.
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