Project-Based Math Classrooms Can Better Engage Students by Addressing the “Why”
This article was
written originally for MultiBriefs Education.
It is a struggle to help
my own fourteen-year-old with his math homework. He struggles to maintain good
grades in math, but it isn’t because he can’t do the work. For my son, he just
isn’t passionate enough about it to have the intrinsic motivation to engage in
it. You’d think that doing well in math would be an easy sell for a boy who
wants to fly commercial planes one day. Still, I can sit with him at the
kitchen table for hours and go round and round with slope problems. He doesn’t
get it. “Dad, when am I ever going to use this stuff?” “Dad, when was the last
time you had to put something in slope-intercept form?” He got me - the last
time I had used that skill was when I taught it as a math teacher myself. For
my son, reaching mastery with the concept of slope only came about when I took
the time to phrase it in the context of an aviation problem that he had to
solve involving landing a plane at the nearby airport where he takes flying
lessons. The problem sparked his creativity, and that peaked his interest to
the point that he pushed himself to master the skill in question.
My son’s hang-up with math
is not unique. In fact, many students his age find they engage better with math
when it is presented in a project-based environment. Recently, KQED Mind/Shift
contributor Kara Newhouse wrote about How Hands-On Projects Can Deepen Math Learning for Teens
in the math classroom. Newhouse wrote about how a project-based approach was
helping Philadelphia teens find success at the Science
Leadership Academy magnet school. Newhouse followed the
work of SLA teachers Victor Hernandez and Jonathan Etsey as they described
applied math projects designed to bring about authenticity and spark creativity
in students. Newhouse wrote, “by building a catapult or telling a story with
equations, students can see how their calculation and formulas translate to
contexts beyond a whiteboard. That authenticity yields stronger engagement,
especially when projects allow teenagers to connect to their interests.”
Newhouse offered these five tips for teachers looking to engage in
project-based learning in their math classrooms:
- Know your students. Before selecting a topic for a
project, teachers should check to make sure the topic is both accessible
to students, unbiased, and peeks their interests.
- Avoid group grades. SLA math teachers do not assign
group grades. Newhouse noted, “They grade students on five domains for
each project: design, knowledge, application, presentation and process.”
- Prepare students to work outside
of class. Not
all work on a project needs to be completed in the classroom setting.
Rather, teachers can use the classroom as a time to perform formative
check-ins and provide additional support to students who need it.
- Keep it simple. Newhouse reports, “Hernández
and Estey said their biggest challenges with project-based learning have
come from making projects too complex.” Simpler is always better.
- Don’t be afraid of what’s
Teachers should not be afraid to try project-based learning because it’s
not the way they were taught. Teachers may be surprised to see how well
students respond to the opportunity to engage with a project.
Project based learning,
particularly in math, is a great way to promote the ideals of deeper learning.
In this 2019 Harvard Graduate School of Education article, author Grace Tatter
reported out on a recent interview she conducted with Harvard Professor Jal
Mehta and doctoral candidate Sarah Fine, who had recently completed research
aimed at discovering what deeper learning looks like in American schools. Mehta
and Fine concluded that in classrooms where deeper learning was most prevalent,
“students were enthusiastically engaged, participating in challenging tasks
that drew on their analytical and problem-solving skills.” They expanded upon
their findings in their 2019 book, In Search of Deeper Learning: The Quest to Remake the
American High School. Tatter went on to offer three
tips on how educators could use Mehta and Fine’s work to promote deeper
learning in their own classrooms.
- Think of your students as
Teachers should help students “make meaning like a mathematician rather
than relying on predetermined formulas.” Students will develop mastery in
knowledge and skill of mathematics when they have the opportunity to make
connections with math to their own world and are encouraged to creatively
solve problems.
- Focus on depth over breadth. So much of the best learning
gets stifled because teachers are too concerned to “teach to the test.”
Teachers are encouraged to work with their school administrators to
release that pressure and promote depth over breadth for deeper
- Give up some control. Tatter wrote, “Rarely does
deeper learning happen when a teacher spends the entire classroom
lecturing from the front of the room, Fine and Mehta found. By allowing
students some choice in the topics they explore and the methods they use,
teachers can let students see the purpose in their learning and be more
As a school leader, I
challenge you to look for ways that you can promote deeper learning in your
math classrooms.
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