SRHS Update: Week of January 23

Good Morning Parents, Friends, and Students of Sanborn Regional High School. Here are your important announcements for the week:

1. Join us this evening for our Winter Open House and Exhibition Night, from 4:30-8:00. I have attached a flyer. Teachers will be available in their rooms for conferences from 4:30-7:00. Student work will be on display fro 6:00pm-7:00pm. At 7pm, you are invited to join us in the auditorium for a presentation on bullying, organized by SAFE Sanborn. This event is part of the John Halligan presentation that students will see on Wednesday, January 25th.

2. On Wednesday, Michelle Catena (Guidance Director) and I will be giving a presentation to area principals at Nothern Essex Community College on our Early College Program, which was a success this past semester. Here is a copy of our presentation if you are interested in learning more about this unique program available to Sanborn seniors:

3. On Monday January 30th, SRHS has been invited to give a presentation to the selection committee for the 2012 NH EDies Award. Here is a copy of our presentation:

4. My next PAC meeting will be Wednesday, February 1, at 6pm. We will use this time to finish our work on the culture survey data analysis. All are invited to attend.

Have a great week everyone!


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