SRHS Update: Week of January 30

Good Morning Parents, Students, and Friends of Sanborn Regional High School. Here are your important announcements for the week:

1. Tonight we will hold an open house for in-coming 9th graders (current 8th graders) from 6pm-7:30pm. Please spread the word to anyone who might be interested in joining us.

2. Wednesday evening at 6pm in the library I will hold my monthly PAC meeting. The topic will be to finish reviewing the culture survey data and create a summarized list of key points for the culture survey steering committee to consider. Please join us!

3. On Monday, February 6th, the SRHS Music Department will hold its winter concert at 7pm in the auditorium. This is a joint concert with Epping High School. We hope to see you there!

4. On Wednesday, February 8th, SRSD will hold a public hearing at 7pm in the auditorium on the budget/warrant for the upcoming vote in March.

5. The post-prom planning committee needs your help. Please come to the next meeting TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the library. Remember, this is an event completely supported by parents!

6. Tomorrow, a team of teachers and students will travel with me to Concord to present before the NH EDies School Excellence Award selection committee. If you are interested in viewing our presentation, you may do so at this link below:

7. The SRHS PTO is sponsoring a book drive and a book swap for Read Across America week March 12-15. They are looking for new or gently used books. Donations can be left in the main office for Mary Magnusson.
8. The Northeast Organic Farmers Association of New Hampshire (NOFA-NH) invites the community of Sanborn Regional High School to come to their Tenth Annual Winter Conference. To thank the Sanborn community for being the host school for 2012, NOFA-NH is offering a special discounted rate to members of the SRHS and Fremont, Newton, and Kingston, NH communities. Information about the conference and the full schedule can be found at The early bird discount for the NOFA-NH Tenth Annual Winter Conference registration ends on 3 February, 2012. Combined with the special discount NOFA-NH is offering to the SRHS community in gratitude for being our gracious hosts, that's nearly 75% off the adult registration fee. Registration can be done on-line at Students, family and faculty/staff of Sanborn should select the Sanborn RHS Community registration category. Then they will be asked for a discount code, which is SRHS13. Registration before 3 February will be $18.95 per person; after 3 February will be $33.95. All attendees are encouraged to participate in the Pot Luck Lunch, either by bringing a dish to share or buying a plate - $15 per adult, $7.50 per child under 13. We're looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
9. At our open house last week, Arnold and Claire Parker were here from the CAPlus (College Assistance Plus) Group. They wanted me to remind you that they will be hosting a FREE financial aid planning evening on January 31st from 6pm - 7:30pm at the Nichols Memorial Library in Kingston. I have attached a flyer which gives more information and contact information if you would like to reserve your seat. Since we often get requests from parents to provide informational nights on the financial part of the college planning process, this presentation is timely.

10. Finally, quarter 2 grades are now loaded in the Pinnacle system, and at your convenience, you are encouraged to log into Pinnacle and view your child's grades. There is a link on the left-hand side of the page that allows you to view and print your child's Sanborn Regional High School Report Card. For questions about grades, please contact your child's teacher directly. For questions on logging onto the Pinnacle viewer, contact Guidance between 7am and 3pm at 603-642-3600.

Have a great week!

-Brian Stack


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