SRHS Update: Week of April 16

Dear Parents, Students, and Friends of Sanborn Regional High School. Here are your important announcements for the week:
1. Did you know we now have our very own PTO? Please consider joining. The membership form is attached.

2. The next After-Prom Party Planning meeting will be Monday, April 16th in the High School Library conference room at 6:30pm. We need as many members that can attend so we can start finalizing plans since we only have 4 weeks left until prom.
For more information contact:

THERESA DRURYAfter-Prom Booster Committee - 2012 Prom for the Sanborn Regional High School (603)

3. EXCITING NEWS! SRHS has won a very prestigious national award from the National School Board Association for our new Freshman Learning Community model. Read the press release below. We will hold a school-wide assembly tomorrow at 8:30am to unveil a new banner that we will proudly display in our school. Various media outlets have been contacted about this event. Congratulations goes out to all the educators who have worked hard to make this program a success!

The National School Board Association awarded the Magna Award to Sanborn Regional School District in Kingston New Hampshire for its new freshman learning community (FLC). Under the leadership of Assistant Principal Ann Hadwen, Sanborn Regional High School created a learning community within the high school for freshman students to be together with a core group of teachers to include English language arts, social studies, science, mathematics, technology, information literacy, and wellness instructors. This community operates on a rotating schedule within the block schedule of Sanborn Regional High School. Embedded in this rotation is flexible grouping time to provide students with a weekly re-teach and enrichment period to intervene and support students and monitor progress. All students take math at the same time during the day, in an uninterrupted ninety minute block. The entire math department is involved in math instruction for freshman during this time.

Following the Professional Learning Community model, the FLC teachers have developed common team norms, goals, common grading practices for class work and homework, grading policies, integrated units, performance-based assessments, and communication to parents. Early data shows that course failures have dropped dramatically in courses that are associated with the team. Discipline issues are sharply reduced from the 2008-2009 school year. Instruction, designed to meet individual student needs, is showing promise of meeting the challenge set forth by the Sanborn Regional School Board when they adopted a single goal for the school district - to become a top 10 percent school district, based on a variety of indicators.
The Magna Award recognizes the strength of a strong School Board working with school administrators to create a learning community designed to meet the needs of students. For more information about the National School Board Magna Awards please go to


4. The Guidance Department is excited to expand our parent evenings and is hosting a presentation by the New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation (NHHEAF) for Sophomore parents & students TONIGHT from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the high school library! NHHEAF will explore and review how students can be making the most of their 4 years of high school to better prepare them for the choices they will make regarding their future plans of college, military, or the work force . The Guidance Department will also review our specific credit and graduation requirements and will answer any questions you have. Please contact the Guidance Department if you have any questions at 642-3600.

5. The scholarship newsletter for the week of April 13 is attached to this email.

Have a great week everyone!

-Brian Stack


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