Moment of Silence - Monday Dec 17

Words cannot express the shock and horror that has gripped school communities all weekend in response to the most recent senseless act of school violence this past Friday in Newtown, CT. It is a natural human response for us to go through a period of grieving and loss as we try to make sense of this news. In the coming days and weeks we will all experience in our own way the stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. For everyone, please remember that school counselors will be on hand for those who need someone to talk to.

At this time, I would like to ask that we conduct a moment of silence for the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting this past Friday.

(Ring Sanborn Bell 26 Times)

Moving forward as a community, we need to do our best to look out for each other, to care for each other, and to treat each other with respect. We can’t change the past or reverse the awful events that happened in Connecticut, but we can start our own chain reaction of kindness in our own school community.

Thank You.


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