SRHS Response to Recent Act of Violence

Words cannot express the shock and horror that has gripped school communities all weekend in response to the most recent senseless act of school violence this past Friday in Newtown, CT. It is a natural human response for us to go through a period of grieving and loss as we try to make sense of this news. In the coming days and weeks we will all experience in our own way the stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We fully expect that parents, children, and staff will be in different stages of this grief in the coming days and we want you to know our school is prepared to respond accordingly. All week (and beyond), school counselors will be on hand for those who need someone to talk to. In anticipation of this return to school, I urge you to spend some time today talking with your children about these events at an age appropriate level. It is important for them to debrief and reflect as part of the healing process.
In the days, months, and years that will follow, I am sure there will be lots of local and national discussion on the status of school safety and gun control. I can assure you that the Sanborn Regional School District has a great working relationship with local and regional emergency management departments. We have a comprehensive school safety and crisis management plan that we practice regularly. Our administrators, staff members, and school safety officer are trained regularly on how we respond to crisis situations as a school community. When safety officials see the need to make changes or improvements to that plan, we embrace those changes whole-heartedly. Our administrative team will be meeting with local emergency officials this week to review this incident and determine what, if any changes need to be made to our protocols. 

I thank you all for your ongoing support for our staff in our efforts to keep all of your children safe. Your children are our children, and in times like this the greatest power we have is the power to act as a unified front. Perhaps it is fitting at this moment to turn to the wisdom of a man who always holds an important place in our hearts growing up. On days like today, I often wonder what Mister Rogers would tell us. Consider this quote from Fred Rogers:
“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say "It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem." Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.” -Fred Rogers

Today, I challenge all of us to continue to share the responsibility for keeping our kids safe and remind them that we are always here for them, always. I challenge all of us to share in the responsibility for looking out for each other. Finally, I challenge all of us to respond when we see someone in need. As a community we are only as strong as our weakest link. I am proud to be a part of the Kingston, Newton, and Fremont communities because I think these are values we hold true and instill in our children each and every day. Together we will get through this, and together we will make the world a better place to live for everyone. Additional information will be provided as appropriate.


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