Understanding Rubric Grading
Overview Sanborn Regional High School has used a competency-based grading and reporting system since 2010. During that time, teachers have used either a 100-point scale or a rubric-based scale to compute both competency and course grades for students in their classes. A rubric scale is different from a 100-point grading scale in the following ways: With a traditional 100-point scale, all grades typically start at 100 percent and deductions are taken by the teacher for missing or incorrect components to arrive at a final percentage score. These deductions can vary from assignment to assignment and teacher to teacher, and depend on the expectations that are set for each assignment. Many students think of this system as one in which they must accumulate a certain number of points over time to reach a passing (proficient) or high (exceeding) grade. A rubric is a chart that lists the criteria and a variety of levels that describe proficiency over the length of a course. Rubri...