Speaking Engagements

I offer a variety of consulting services, but please note that my calendar is extremely limited due to my full time responsibilities as a high school principal. I take only only a few engagements each year when they do not conflict with my other obligations.

If you have an interest in speaking to me about an opportunity, you can email me at bstackbu@gmail.com. 

Summary of Past and Upcoming Speaking Engagements for Brian M Stack:


June: Michigan School Leadership Forum on CBL; Detroit, MI; Several CBL workshops based on my book, Breaking With Tradition.


December: Learning Forward 2018 Annual Conference; Dallas, TX; Workshop; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

October: iNACOL 2018 Symposium; Nashville, TN; Workshop; Leveraging Competency Education to Promote Equity for ALL Students by Prioritizing Academic and Personal Competencies Supported by Effective Leadership, Personalization, and PLCs.

October: iNACOL 2018 Symposium; Nashville, TN; Pre-Conference Session; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

October: NEASC 2018 CPS Showcase; Westford, MA; Fostering an Effective Competency Based Learning High School

August: School Administrators of Iowa Annual Conference 2018: Creating Capacity; Des Moines, IA; Workshop; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

July: 2018 Competency Based Learning Design Studio; Manchester, NH; Workshop; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

July: National Principal's Conference; Chicago IL; Workshop; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

June: Michigan School Leadership Forum on CBL; Detroit, MI; Several CBL workshops based on my book, Breaking With Tradition.

April: Personalized Learning Summit; Portsmouth NH; Keynote; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

April: Blended Learning Conference; Providence RI; Workshop; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

March: ASCD Empower 2018 Conference; Boston, MA; Panelist; Grading in a Personalized Learning Model

March: NESSC School Redesign in Action Conference; Providence RI, Workshop; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

March: SXSW EDU Conference; Austin TX; Panelist; Why I Won’t Ask For Help: Self-Advocacy for All

February: LearnLaunch Institute; Boston MA; Panelist; Lessons From Competency-Based Education


December: Breaking With Tradition: UNH Personalizing for Students Conference; Concord NH; Keynote; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

November: #LDChat Twitter Chat: Competency Based Learning; Hosted by Understood.org (National Center for Learning Disabilities)

November: #atPLC Twitter Chat: Competency Based Learning; Hosted by Solution Tree

November: EdTech Specialists; Michigan; Webinar; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

October: iNACOL Symposium; Orlando FL; Workshop; Fostering Leadership Capacity to Support Competency-Based Learning in Systems in Schools: Voices From the Field

August: Convening on Personalized Learning and Self Advocacy; Washington DC; Think Tank Participant; Sponsored by the National Center for Learning Disabilities

July: Competency Education Design Studio; Nashua NH; Keynote; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

July: Competency Education Design Studio; Nashua NH; Workshop; Policies, Structures, and Grading in a Competency-Based Learning System

July: Competency Education Design Studio; Nashua NH; Workshop; Communication and Branding

June: Keene State College Southwest Curriculum Conference; Keene NH; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

June: 21st Annual SURN Leadership Conference; Williamsburg VA; Workshop; Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency Based Learning in PLCs at Work

April: Enriching Students User Conference; Portsmouth NH; Workshop; Genius Hour

April: Blended Learning Conference; Providence RI; Workshop; Performance Based Learning Models: Practitioner Perspectives

February: Nellie Mae Education Foundation Speaker Bureau Training; Boston MA; Workshop; Building Your Digital Profile: Engaging Your Intended Audience


November: #satchat Twitter Chat: Competency Based Learning; Hosted by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation

July: Understood.org; Washington DC; Webinar; Common Back to School Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

July: Sanborn Design Studio; Kingston NH; Workshop; Policies, Structures, and Grading in a Competency-Based Learning System

June: Keene State College Southwest Curriculum Conference; Keene NH; Implementing a Competency Education Model in Your Classroom and School

June: NHASP Annual Principals Conference; Bretton Woods NH; Workshop; Introduction to PACE: Performance Assessment for Competency Education

May: NH State Board of Education; Concord NH; Presentation; Building a Competency Education System

May: Personalized Learning Event for National Center for Learning Disabilities; Washington DC; Panelist; Personalized Learning: Opportunities and Implications for Students with Disabilities and English Learners

April: #21stedchat Twitter Chat: Competency Based Learning; Hosted by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation

April: Enriching Students User Conference; Portsmouth NH; Workshop; The Role of Enriching Students as a Tool to Support a School-Based Competency Based Education & Personalization Model

April: #NGLCchat Twitter Chat: Competency Based Learning; Hosted by Next Generation Learning Challenges

April: Blended Learning Conference; Providence RI; Workshop; Personalized Learning in a Competency Based Education School

March: Transform SC Conference; Columbia SC; Workshop; Competency Based Education: How One Traditional School District Made the Change

January: NHASP Winter Principal Conference; Meredith NH; Workshop; Introduction to PACE: Performance Assessment for Competency Education


December: Transform SC Conference; Columbia SC; Workshop; Implementing a Competency Based Approach: Multiple Perspectives from the Sanborn Regional School District

November: iNACOL Symposium; Orlando FL; Workshop; Leading Your School Through the Transition to Competency Education

July: Sanborn Design Studio; Kingston NH; Workshop; Policies, Structures, and Grading in a Competency-Based Learning System

July: Sanborn Design Studio; Kingston NH; Workshop; Support Structures for Students

January: NHASP Winter Principal Conference; Meredith NH; Workshop; Sanborn Regional School District:
An Introduction to Developing a K-12 Competency-Based Grading and Reporting System


November: iNACOL Symposium; Palm Springs CA; Workshop; Sanborn Regional School District:
How to Support a K-12 Competency-Based Grading and Reporting System

September: NH Best Practices CIA Conference; Concord NH; Workshop; Sanborn Regional School District: Competency Grading Practices

June: Bainbridge Consulting Future of Learning Summit; San Diego CA; Panelist; Competency Based Education

May: Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools CBE Summit; Washington DC; Webinar; Sanborn Regional School District Competency-Based System Overview

March: NESSC School Redesign in Action Conference; Norwood MA, Workshop; Supporting a High School Competency-Based Grading & Reporting System

January: NHASP Winter Principal Conference; Meredith NH; Workshop; Supporting a K-12 Competency-Based Grading & Reporting System


August: NH School Library Media Summer Camp; Stratham NH; Workshop; Transforming Your School Library

June: NHASP Annual Principals Conference; Bretton Woods NH; Workshop; Through Their Eyes: How the Transformation of our Schools into 21st Century Models Shapes the Future of Our Students

March: Confederation of Oregon School Administrators Proficiency Conference; Portland OR; Keynote; Embracing New Practices Student Centered Learning and Assessment Sound Grading and Reporting

January: Alliance for Excellence Education; Washington DC; Webinar; Competency Education: The NH Experience, Case Study on Sanborn Regional High School


October: NEASC Showcase of Model Programs; Boston MA; Workshop; SRHS Freshman Learning Community


July: Pinnacle Global Scholar User Conference; Chicago IL; Workshop; Implementing a K-12 Competency-Based Grading and Reporting System: Lessons Learned in our Journey

June: NHASP Annual Principals Conference; Bretton Woods NH; Workshop; Implementing a K-12 Competency-Based Grading and Reporting System: Lessons Learned in our Journey


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