Grading Practices That Better Support 21st Century Learning
If you’d like to see just how polarized a high school faculty can be, survey them on how much they think homework should count in their overall course grade. You’ll get a range of responses from zero to one hundred percent. The start of a new school year for many teachers necessitates the writing of course syllabus documents, which means it is time to decide how much weight will be given to categories such as homework, class work, tests, quizzes, and class participation. The former high school math teacher in me has come to understand that by asking myself a simple question like how much weight I would give to homework or tests, I had an extremely flawed grading system that told me nothing about what it was my students knew and were able to do. Across the country, teachers are throwing away these dinosaur grading systems in favor of standards-based systems that more accurately measure and report student learning. Maybe your school district is making the switch to such a syst...