What Do Top Performing School Districts Do Well?
Last month, Education Week released the first of what will be three reports entitled, Quality Counts 2018: A Report Card for States and the Nation on K-12 Education . Now in its 22nd publication, the publication “aims to illuminate what the high-performing states did well, how low-performers are approaching improvement, and lessons for boosting the quality of K-12 education overall.” For the report, states were graded based on these two indicators, which are spelled out in more detail here : CHANCE FOR SUCCESS: The report looked at factors from early foundations to school years to adult outcomes. These included things like family income, parent education, parental employment, and linguistic integration, preschool and kindergarten enrollment, elementary reading achievement (4th grade NAEP test), middle school math achievement (8th grade NAEP test), high school graduation rate, post-secondary enrollment and completion statistics for adults ages 18-24, adult education attai...