
Showing posts from August, 2011

Mr. Stack's Welcome Back Email To Parents

Don't miss Mr. Stack's weekly emails! Sign up for them here: Dear Parents, Students, and Friends of SRHS: Irene won't hold us back anymore, it is time to start the 2011-2012 school year! Here are some important announcements for all of you for our first week of school: 1. Tuesday, August 30th is the first day of school for all students. I have attached a bell schedule for this day, which will start with an extended advisory period. Please make sure you have completed the following tasks in advance: First, you must complete emergency card information. You can either have your child submit the form we mailed home or you can complete it online at the following link: Second, if you are a grade 9 student or parent, please submit a completed field ...

Mr. Stack's First Parent Email Went Home Today

Good Morning Parents, Students, and Friends of the Sanborn Regional High School Community, This is my first email to all of you of the new 2011-2012 school year. I hope you all had a wonderful summer. We have been busy at the school getting ready for what I hope will be our biggest and best year yet! I have a few announcements for you as we get ready to start the year. 1. School starts on August 29 for freshman and SST students only. SST students are only required to be here to catch the bus for SST (9:00am for mid-session and noon for PM session). 2. Parking permits will be available to eligible students on August 26th from 9-11. The parking fee this year will remain at $10. This fee helps us cover the cost of parking stickers and annual maintenance to the parking lot (lines, signs, etc). 3. Please note that school pictures are early this year -- September 1! We will have information on ordering available to send home with students on the first day of schoo...