Are We Effectively Supporting New Principals?
The American schools of today face issues that are unprecedented in our nation’s history. Among the top issues that have become part of the day to day reality of our school leaders include class size, poverty, family factors, technology, bullying, student attitudes and behaviors, parental involvement, student health, funding, and No Child Left Behind. For those of us who have been in the professional for ten years or more, we have certainly seen how these issues have come to consume so many parts of our job as school principals. Thinking back to the training and resources that were made available to me back when I started as a principal, I’m not convinced that I would have been prepared to meet the demands of the job as they are today. Earlier this month, Education Week published an infographic from the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) summarizing the information gathered from speaking with over 1,100 new principals as they provided insigh...